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Oak Grove/ Greider / Snoke Cemetery

Search Database

This cemetery is located on the south west corner of Epworth Forest Road and County Road 975 E., Tippecanoe Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana. The cemetery is fenced on two sides, and abuts the Tri-County State fish and Wildlife Area. The cemetery also has a water pump.

A transcription of Greider Cemetery was taken on October 21, 2009 by Kristi Rhodes and Beth Smith.  A previous transcription was done 27, September, 1976 by Mr. Lester H. Binnie.

The cemetery was read from west to east and rows were read from north to south. Section one is the entire section North of the water pump. Section two is south of the pump and the drive. Any information found in parenthesis indicates items read from 1976 and no longer legible in 2009.

This photo shows the old entrance of the Cemetery. On the South wing of the entrance was written (Erected, July 5 & 6, 194(5), Constructors, Roy W. Stocker (5) 4, Harry L Knox 27, William S. Stocker 22, Tom Schecht 67, Isaac A. Witmer 53, Cost, $134.55 Wages, 2 ½ per minute. ) This inscription is no longer legible.

. Greider Entrance